
There are two things that have always caught my attention. One is the mandatory nature of military service. I remember the first time I heard about women being forced into the military. An Israeli colleague told us about it when she was studying Fine Arts and Photography, and showed us the photos she had taken when it was her turn to do the service. I know that there are other countries that do this too, so I’m not giving Israel a callout. It’s just that my first notion of women’s military is related to this country, where I happened to take this photograph recently on a trip to Jerusalem.

The other thing that strikes me is the ease and attitude of some people when they hold a gun. I know people, and in fact I have friends who carry guns, and it is something that makes me very uncomfortable.

For me it’s very simple: guns kill. I don’t want to kill anything or anyone, and I don’t want them to kill me or anyone I love (or anyone, for that matter).

As I was walking through the commercial area in the center of Jerusalem I saw a group of kids with machine guns. They were chatting and laughing with their guns hanging on their backs. I started talking to one of the girls, the one in the photograph, and she explained that they were all military. I was shocked by the image and asked her, as a joke, if I could shoot a picture. The girl posed politely for the portrait with a big smile as she held her machine gun tightly and proudly. Personally I find the result interesting, especially the contrast between a beautiful blonde girl and the huge gun.

I invite you to share your opinion about guns and the laws that regulate them. It is a very important issue that we have to discuss and deal with in a serious way.

And please, if you are inspired, share your opinion about the power of photography as well.

una rubia armada